Middle East problem public lectures

Rouhani President of Iran, Japan in the schedule of 0 to Date

Middle East problem public lectures Rouhani President of Iran, Japan in the schedule of 0 to Date Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the day, Iranian President to visit Japan in the schedule of 0 to date, announced that it will hold talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to 0 days. To discuss towards easing tensions in the Middle East to destabilize in the confrontation of the United States and Iran. The Japanese side, describes the Middle East dispatch of Maritime Self-Defense Force, seek understanding. Japan of Iranian President times second in since President Khatami of October 000 years. Iran is strongly opposed to sanctions and strengthening the nuclear agreement withdrawal of playing cards the US government, has continued to deviate act from the agreement. Prime Minister strongly encourage the fulfillment of the agreement policy. Iran side will appeal to friendly relations with Japan, seen that there is a aim to avoid international isolation. Chief Cabinet Secretary is the United States towards the stabilization of [Japan's situation at a press conference of the day, in cooperation with related countries, including Iran, we are continuing to tenaciously diplomatic efforts.

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