Middle East problem public lectures

Middle East problem public lectures [Trump era and the Middle East ...

Middle East problem public lectures Beginning, from Mr. University Research Institute visiting researcher, so that this venue was autumn opened last year is fixed on everyone of the open citizen, since it is planning a variety of innovations in the future, and widely used, like to ask for your cooperation a greeting, on the day the local Fujieda about 0 people from the prefecture, including the citizens course, was inclined eager to listen to keynote from the lecturer over time. [Where is the roots of the Palestinian problem], the effect of the [Middle East problem is why the solution is difficult] [Japanese? ] Discussion was incandescent around the issues, such as have been made. The main purpose of the first times course 0 years, including the Syrian civil war, which has entered a year, counting from Iraq, has spread Libya, the situation in which the private sector have found is to sacrifice one after another, including our Japanese in the land, such as confusion deepens the Middle East conflict in Palestine . When we are witnessing the tragic reality of today spread in the Middle East world, the Middle East is just like, hit the East a year and a half ago (2.

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