Middle East problem public lectures

Think about the Middle East problem

Middle East problem public lectures Think about the Middle East problem Syria Quneitra, Amman, Jordan The Golan Heights. Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the land is surrounded by Israel, due to its geographical conditions, so far many times have come to the stage of the war between Israel and Arab countries. In a place called Quneitra located in the Golan Heights, to take the permission of the Syrian Ministry of the Interior, visited the original certified guide attendant. Quneitra around now, is under the surveillance of the United Nations, with or have run a large written the United Nations of the wagon and the UN to look good news, it is drifting Monomonoshii atmosphere. Through the several places of the check point, I arrived in Quneitra. At that moment, I was shocked. Private house, I school, all of the building such as a mosque has been messing up, thoroughly destroyed. Arab in the international politically very difficult situation, but came to the nonchalant fun journey so far, I felt that was seen for the first time one of the reality to come here.

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